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We, as a whole, will not be giving warranty and accept no responsibility or are liable for the current accurate or coherent materials, etc for Rednano Website. Contained and provided on the site as a whole. We, under any circumstances, will hold responsibility for any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and any and every harm that this information and the use of it, irresponsible or responsible, might or may cause to you (including, but not limited to: Loss of current profit of the user, user’s business interrupting or any kind of information that the user may lose). The above does apply to the use of any information that other websites integrated here or any of the websites that are linked here.

Links from Rednano Website

Rednano Website, as mentioned above, links other internet sites. These links are provided with the sole purpose of giving more information and materials for the users of this site. As we have no control whatsoever over the third-party sites linked here, the user, before using said information, thoroughly agrees that we are shall not express any responsibility for any piece of material on said sites, the user also must have in mind that us, providing the links to said sites, we don’t guarantee that the resources or contents thereof present in said sites are correct and accurate.

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Any platforms that claim to represent us, are unless expressly and officially recognized by us, are unofficial and will never represent our views and/or policies. We advise proceeding with caution, the reason being is the third-party sites may contain false information, not accurate materials or both. We do not express any responsibility in the connection with said platforms.

We, as to keep this site as information-accurate and to make the overall experience on the site helpful and informative, avoiding any possible mislead and incorrect or incoherent information have all rights to remove any posts, comments or any type of content from our website official media platforms as to maintain the materials and information correct and helpful on Rednano website.