Category Archives: Personal Finance

Marina Gardens Lane Condo Near to Prime Residential and Business Address

The real estate project known as Marina Gardens Lane Condo is a mixed development that will feature two Grade-A office buildings, 1042 luxury residences, and retail space. Its design complements the long-term transformation of Marina Bay, and it will become part of a bustling metropolitan culture, providing luxury, convenience, and prestige. To read more about this award-winning development, read on. This article will provide you with the inside scoop on its amenities, location, and PSF.

If you’re looking for a prime real estate investment in a central location, look no further than the Marina Gardens Lane Condo. This multi-stage regional township in Singapore’s CBD is located just minutes from major business districts and entertainment hubs. In addition to its prime location, the Marina Gardens Lane Condo also benefits from a huge pool of top quality tenants. These attributes make this prime residential and business address an excellent choice for investors …

Getting Your Payday Loans Without Stating Your Income

Payday loans are advertised everywhere it seems. Payday loans are also poor for your pocketbook. For quick cash, many will resort to payday loans to “tide me over ’til payday.” But, payday loans come with a steep interest rate. Some payday loans will come with interest rates as high as 400 to 500 percent, depending upon whether you roll them over from one payday to the next.

Most payday loans are arranged so that a borrower writes a post-dated check to the lender, for say 2 weeks. When the 2 weeks are up, the payday loan is cashed, which includes the predetermined interest. Because of the Federal Truth in Lending Act, the lenders must disclose the interest charged to the borrowers and finance charge. Let’s say for example that you take out a payday loan for $500 for two weeks and pay the lender $75. You’ll write the post-dated check …

Best Mortgage Advice For Real Estate Buyers

It is good to know that most buyers don’t think about choosing the best candidate for the loan. Understanding how to pick the best financial institution has emerged as a critical aspect of purchasing home.

You can agree with me that to most people getting a mortgage is a necessity. Over the years, we have witnessed a sudden increase in the price of homes. This means that purchasing the right home with cash is impossible. That’s where mortgage lenders come in. They will provide you with money to purchase your desired home. Keep in mind that mortgage lenders are in business. They are in the market to attract buyers like you. With that in mind, you can find better terms if you consider doing a little shopping around.

It is worth considering and comparing different mortgage lenders before making your final decision. You are likely to save a considerable amount …

Tips To Help Manage Your Personal Finance And Invest

According to statistics, many people in the world don’t know how to manage their finances. Most of these people end up in horrible financial situations that keep getting worse all because of lacking the knowledge of managing their finances. However, if you find yourself floating in the same boat, there is no need to be worried as there are ways of getting away from such situations, and we will provide them to you in this article. These ways will help you in being orderly when it comes to your finances.
Just like any other task, managing your money can seem daunting, especially if it is your first time. The good thing is that you will get the hang of it as the days go by.

1. Track your expenditure

This is the first thing you need to do before you embark on the better management of your finances journey. Few …